• Parabola
    Mrs. Russell
    Email:  krussell@southbuffalocs.org
    Homeroom:  214
    PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU JOIN GOOGLE CLASSROOM AMD MATHSPACE.  BEGINNING APRIL 13, all assignments will be posted in GOOGLE CLASSROOM and will have due dates.  Attendance will also be taken through GOOGLE CLASSROOM.  You will be expected to login each day and complete your work.
    Please join my Google Classroom and mathspace, if you need the codes, please send me an email or a Remind message.
    It is very important that you join these two forums as we may be going to an online learning model.  Future assignmnets may be givien through these forums, if you do not join, you will not be able to complete the assignments.
    Important Information for my students:
    • All lessons/homework assignments will be posted on the classroom calendar...if you are absent, look here!
    • All assignment, quiz, and test dates will be posted on the classroom calendar
    • Click on Helpful Links and navigate around recommended sites
    • Help a friend with his/her homework (teaching someone else is the best way to retain information) 
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for extra help!!!!