• Health Services


    Health Services


    A confidential health record is maintained on each child indicating his/her medical history and immunization dates. All findings from screening procedures are required on the student's health record. Please assist us in keeping your child’s health record up to date by notifying the Health Office if there is any change in your child's health status, recent immunizations, surgery, etc. To help us contact parents with a concern or in an emergency, please notify the school of any changes in your work or home phone numbers, as well as your home address. 

    Physical Information

    New York Education Law, effective January 31, 2021, requires that a complete physical exam be conducted for all new students entering school and those in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. We ask that you schedule an appointment with your child's physician for the upcoming school year.  Schools cannot accept the health exam if it is not on the required form or a required health record equivalent. The required Health Exam Form to be completed by a New York State physician is located by clicking here. Please forward the completed form to the Health Office as soon as the exam has been completed.

    Dental Health Screening

    NYS law(Chapter 281) permits schools to request an oral health assessment in the following grades: all new entrants, K, 1, 3, 5 and 7. This sample dental assessment may be completed by a registered dentist or NYS registered dental hygienist. Click here to access the Dental Health Certificate.

    Preventative Screening

    During the school year, students are screened in the following areas: vision, hearing, height, weight, scoliosis, body mass index (BMI) based on grade level. Parents will be notified of any problems detected. Also, New York State schools are selected at random to participate in a Body Mass Index survey. If South Buffalo Charter School is selected for this survey, you will be notified and have the right to refuse to have your child’s BMI results submitted. Keep in mind; these results are recorded only as boys/girls in grades K, 1,3, 5, and 7 and not by name.


    Please keep your child home from school with the following symptoms: 

    • Vomited during the night or before school or has not tolerated solid food. 
    • A fever of 100 or higher accompanied by a cough and or sore throat. The child should remain home for at least 24 hours after they are free of fever or signs of a fever without the use of fever reducing medication. 
    • Rash that cannot be identified. 
    • Strep throat, Conjunctivitis “Pink Eye”, Impetigo- Your child must be receiving antibiotic treatment for 24 hours before returning to school. 
    • Lice-If your child has lice, or you suspect the occurrence of lice, please contact the school immediately. Your child must be examined by the School Health Nurse before being readmitted to school.

    School Injury/Illness

     Parents will be notified of serious illness or injury. First Aid will be provided by the School Health Nurse. Treatment is limited to first aid only. Any necessary subsequent treatment is the responsibility of the parents/guardian. If parents are unable to be reached, the adults listed on the emergency contact form will be asked to pick your child up. Transportation of students during school hours is the responsibility of the parents.


    The New York State Education Law requires that medication can only be administered under the following regulations:

    NOTE: These guidelines refer to all prescription medications and all over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, cough drops, Neosporin ointment, etc.)

    • A written request from the parent / guardianClick here for Authorization Form
    • A written order from the physician which indicates the name of the medication, the dosage, the frequency, the time to be administered, and the reason. 
    • The medication is to be brought in the prescribed labeled bottle by an adult to the office.

    Please do not send in any Tylenol, cold medication, cough drops, inhalers etc. to school with your child. The dangers of this practice are possible choking, and another child may take the medication resulting in serious consequences.

    In the event of a licensed professional is not available to administer your child’s medication, an adult will supervise the self-directed student in taking their own medication. Usually a student may be considered to be self-directed if he/she is consistently able to do all of the following:

    • Identify the correct medication (e.g., color, shape) 
    • Identify the purpose of the medication (e.g., to improve attention) 
    • Determine the correct dosage is being administered (e.g., one pill) 
    • Identify the time the medication is needed during the school day (e.g., lunch time, before/after lunch) 
    • Describe what will happen if medication is not taken (e.g., unable to complete school work) 
    • Refuse to take medication if student has any concerns about its appropriateness.

    If the student is non-self-directed, school-nursing personnel must give the medication. School staff may not perform administration of such prescribed medications. The main office will notify the parent/guardian, of the inability to administer the medication as per policy. As stated above, medication will only be dispensed under the described conditions, and this will be strictly adhered to within this school situation. The Health Office has forms that you and your child’s doctor may find helpful. Please have the form completed in full if medication of any kind is needed during school hours.
