• Birthdays and Celebrations

      happy birthday balloons                                Bitmoji Image

    Birthdays and celebrations are very special to children.  As various holidays come up, a letter will come home if we plan on having a small celebration in class at the end of the day.  This letter will explain everything that you need to know about the celebration as well as what items we are looking for families to send in.  

    You may also choose to celebrate your child's birthday by sending in a classroom treat.  We ask that the treat be store bought in order to comply with our health and safety protocol.  If you would like to have your child celebrate their birthday in class, please let me know in advance so that I can work it into our day.  Usually we will celebrate birthdays at the end of the day.  If your child has a summer birthday, you may pick any day during the end of the school year to celebrate.

    Please remember that we do have students with allergies to peanut and tree nut products.  Snacks with these items should be avoided.  Also please remember if you are bringing a cake, please send forks, plates, and a plastic knife to cut the cake.  Cupcakes, cookies, and brownies are encouraged because they take less time to serve.